297 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217



PS Family NYC es una agencia dedicada a ayudar a las familias con niños de 0 a 3 años a acceder a servicios de guardería gratuitos o de bajo coste.* Averigüe cuáles son sus opciones de guardería y consiga el mejor proveedor para su familia.

*La elegibilidad se basa en los ingresos, el tamaño y las necesidades de su familia.

Los niños disfrutan del arte, la música, el movimiento, las actividades al aire libre, las meriendas y las comidas diarias, todo ello en un entorno seguro y saludable. Nuestra red de proveedores incluye programas bilingües y muchos ofrecen horarios tempranos y ampliados. Todos nuestros proveedores aceptan ACS, vales de NYC, así como la matrícula de escala móvil.

Schedule an appointment today

¿Listo para inscribir a su hijo?

Asegúrese de llevar los siguientes (3) TRES artículos a su cita:

Comprobante de domicilio con su nombre y la dirección utilizada en la solicitud

  • Factura reciente de Con Edison o National Grid
  • Arrendamiento de vivienda o hipoteca
  • ID del Estado

Certificado de nacimiento de todos los niños menores de 18 años en su hogar

Trabajaremos estrechamente con su equipo para ejecutar la hoja de ruta de la cultura de la empresa y aumentar el rendimiento de sus empleados.

Prueba de ingresos

Dependiendo de cómo le paguen, facilite uno de los siguientes datos;

  • Recibos de sueldo de 3 meses
  • 12 talones para la nómina semanal
  • 6 talones para nóminas quincenales


Si cobra en metálico o no trabaja actualmente, solicítenos un formulario en su cita presencial


Consulte a continuación algunas de nuestras preguntas más frecuentes (FAQ) sobre la inscripción y sus respuestas correspondientes. Para hablar directamente con nosotros, llame al: (718) 701-1707 o envíe un correo electrónico a: enrollment@psfamilynyc.org.

Children from birth may be enrolled in our Infant Care program. Enrollment is also open to Toddlers aged 0 - 36 months. Additionally, in partnership with the New York City Department of Education, we offer free, full-day, high-quality 3K programs to all age-eligible children who reside in New York City.

Your child's enrollment begins with scheduling appointment on our website, you can also call in visit our office. Our fully licensed and certified professional staff of family child care specialists will be happy to walk you through the process, step by step. We also provide free consultation to help you obtain any government subsidies or assistance you and your family may qualify.

As a general rule, in order for a family to receive subsidized child-care services, the family must meet certain financial and social eligibility criteria that are determined by federal, state, and local regulations:

Financial eligibility: is determined by a family's gross income, with consideration of family size. Fees for child-care services are based on a sliding scale.

Social eligibility: requires that a family have an approved "reason for care."

Yes. The New York City Department of Education's Child Care Eligibility Unit has a list of approved documents for this purpose. We will assist you in this process as well. For your general information, here is a list of approved documents:

Proof of Identity:

You may provide any one (1) of these documents:

  1. Copy of your child's / children's Birth Certificate(s) or Copy of Baptismal Record. (To verify your own identity, you may present either a valid passport or New York State-issued photo ID)
  2. You must also verify birth for ALL your children under 18 who reside with you to prove your family size. (You have the option of providing the Social Security numbers for all your children under the age of 18).


Applicant's Proof of NYC Address:

You may provide any one (1) of these documents:

  1. Copy of current utility bill or pay stub (if your address is printed on stub)
  2. Rent receipts or copy of a lease showing your current address
  3. Section 8 award letter or NYCHA certificate

Yes. The New York City Department of Education's Child Care Eligibility Unit has a list of approved documents for this purpose. We will assist you in this process as well. For your general information, here is a list of approved documents:

Proof of Identity:

You may provide any one (1) of these documents:

  1. Copy of your child's / children's Birth Certificate(s) or Copy of Baptismal Record. (To verify your own identity, you may present either a valid passport or New York State-issued photo ID)
  2. You must also verify birth for ALL your children under 18 who reside with you to prove your family size. (You have the option of providing the Social Security numbers for all your children under the age of 18).

Applicant's Proof of NYC Address:

You may provide any one (1) of these documents:

  1. Copy of current utility bill or pay stub (if your address is printed on stub)
  2. Rent receipts or copy of a lease showing your current address
  3. Section 8 award letter or NYCHA certificate


Proof of legal residence in the United States:

(Please note that the parent’s immigration status does not impact eligibility. Eligibility is based on the status of the child. The child needs to be either a U.S. citizen or legal resident).

You may provide any one (1) of these documents as proof of legal residency for your child:

  1. Birth Certificate;
  2. Immigration Department form I-94 *•
  3. Alien registration card • Naturalization papers,
  4. U.S. Passport or Lawyer's letter.

Proof of Income and Benefits:

To show you qualify for subsidized child care, you must verify all income and benefits for your family.

  1. If you are employed working at least 10 hours per week, assemble your pay stubs to show your income sources. If your gross pay is the same every time you get paid, provide copies of consecutive pay stubs for the last 4 weeks. If you receive different amounts of pay from week to week, provide copies of consecutive pay stubs for the last 12 weeks. If you don’t get pay stubs, we will help you get the appropriate form (Referral to Employer Form CFWB 015) for this purpose.
  2. b. If you are self-employed, provide copies of your business and personal tax returns. If you have been self-employed for less than 3 months, provide a notarized statement of income. If you have been self-employed for 3 - 12 months, provide an accountant's statement.
  3. If you receive Alimony or Child Support, you will be required to complete Form 1081(we will help you obtain the form).
  4. If you are you receiving Social Security, SSI, Disability, Retirement, Pension/Annuity Income, you will be required to
Recuerde que nuestro equipo le ayudará a navegar este proceso. Llame o visite nuestra oficina de Brooklyn y le ayudaremos a ocuparse del resto. Contacto con nosotros

General Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in enrolling with a PS Family childcare provider.

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