Our CDA schedule is designed to support working professionals.
Our program is designed to teach you what’s best for young children, how to implement best practices and all you need to know to run a childcare business.
CDA Certificate Program
10-Month Course-
120 hours of Training
Coaching, Assessment and site visit Scheduling
14 hours of free Pyramid Training
This is a comprehensive 10-month program that provides everything you need to qualify for your CDA Credentials.
PS Family NYC’s Child Development Associate (CDA) program is a comprehensive, ten-month program that provides everything you need to qualify for your CDA credentials. We offer 120 hours of training from NYS credentialed trainers who specialize in best practices.
Our instructors have experience as teachers, directors, providers, and coaches. The training schedule is designed to support working professionals, and after each workshop, a coach will help you collect resource materials for your portfolio to demonstrate effectiveness in each content area.
Additionally, we offer a bonus of 14 hours of free Pyramid Training, which will help you create a healthy social emotional environment for children. We also provide coaching to assist with the credentialing components and direct you to all NYS required trainings to ensure compliance with regulations.
Email: enrollment@psfamilynyc.org.

Our CDA schedule is designed
to support working professionals.
We help you find internship opportunities to meet the 480 hour working with children requirement. At the end of the program, your team of coaches and teachers will be there to celebrate your CDA credential achievement. A coach will also help you set up your site visit.
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This CDA program consists of
10 Months of Associate Certificate Program based on a core set of standards set to evaluate and prepare early childhood educators to better understand all aspects of a child’s development, including emotional, social, physical, and intellectual, and strive to help them grow through the stages of development more effortlessly.
The 120 hours of training from credentialed NYS trainers that have expertise in best practices. Our instructors have worked as teachers, directors, providers and coaches. Individualized support. The training schedule is designed to support working professionals. After each workshop a coach will help you collect the resource materials for your portfolio so you can demonstrate effectiveness in each content area.
At the end of your 120 hours of training you will be coached on successfully taking your CDA assessment.
We offer a bonus of 14 hours of free Pyramid Training which will help you create a healthy social emotional environment for children. There will be coaching to help you make it through all of the credentialing components. We direct you to all NYS required trainings to make sure you are meeting all regulations. We help you find internship opportunities to meet your 480 hours of working with children to qualify for the credential