297 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Mastering Grant Writing & RFP Responses: Online Courses

Hello Early Childhood Community,

I’m Emilie Gay, a professional grant writer specializing in responding to RFPs. I’ve put this
newsletter together to alert you to current grants, RFPs, and courses that you may find helpful.Enjoy!

If you find value in this newsletter, consider joining our community to receive exclusive insights, tips, and time-sensitive updates that can benefit your work in the early childhood field.

Warm Regards,
Emilie Gay

Grants that are due this month: 

Child Care Capital Program

  • Quality child care is critical to New York families as it provides a safe environment for children, while also providing the educational foundation for the next generation of New Yorkers. Working families struggle to find quality programs in their communities in every corner of the State. To effectively address New York’s continuing need for affordable, quality child care services, New York State has made $50 million available for the NYS Child Care Capital Program (CCCP). The Child Care Capital Program was created to provide funding to assist childcare providers in expanding the capacity of their programs. 
  • The Child Care Capital Program will provide reimbursement grants for the design, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, equipment, and other capital assets for existing or proposed not-for-profit or for-profit child day care centers licensed according to 18 NYCRR 418-1, school-age child care programs registered according to 18 NYCRR 414 and Article 47 permitted programs. 

Early Childhood Foundation

  • The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood is an incubator of promising research and development projects that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children from infancy through 7 years, in the United States. 
  • Welfare is broadly defined as support, acculturation, societal integration, and childcare. Grants are only made if a successful project outcome will likely be of significant interest to other professionals, within the grantee’s field of endeavor, and would have a direct benefit and potential national application. 
  • The Foundation’s goal is to provide seed money to implement those imaginative proposals that exhibit the greatest chance of improving the lives of young children, on a national scale. Because of the Foundation’s limited funding capability, it seeks to maximize a grant’s potential impact. 

Grant Watch: 120 New York Grants for Preschools, Early Childhood Grants

  • Grants for early childhood programs, grants for childcare, and daycare programs to promote literacy, nutrition, and physical activity at preschools including food gardens, outdoor classrooms, and playgrounds. 

Mastering Grant Writing & RFP Responses: Online Courses

Course Description: 

  • Unlock the secrets of successful grant writing and master the art of responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in this comprehensive online course led by New York’s premier grand writer, Emilie Gay. Whether you’re new to the world of grants or looking to refine your skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to secure funding for your projects. 

Key Learning Outcomes: 

  • Understanding Grands & RFPs: Learn the essential terminology, types of grants, and common elements of RFPs. 
  • Crafting Winning Proposals: Gain practical insights into writing compelling grant proposals and RFP responses that stand out to funders. 

Instructor Bio: 

  • Emilie Gay, one of New York City’s foremost experts in early childhood policy and practice, is the Executive Director of Program Support, a company designed to help early childhood programs win contracts, and grants, and meet high-quality standards. Emilie has won over $100 million in funding for her clients.

Don’t miss your chance to gain invaluable skills that can transform your funding strategy. Join the waitlist today and be the first to enroll in this game-changing online course! 

Join the Waitlist!

Raising Peaceful Children Intro Training Class

Raising Peaceful Children is an educational program designed for individuals engaging with children aged 0-3. This introductory course introduces adults caring for infants and toddlers with the essential knowledge to nurture a joyful and well-rounded child.

The core principles of Raising Peaceful Children encompass compassionate care practices, autonomous play, unrestricted movement, and tender guidance. Through this module, participants will gain insights into implementing beneficial approaches tailored for infants. The techniques shared in this introduction are backed by research to yield optimal results for infants.

Raising Peaceful Children comprises a series of brief instructional videos, articles, and online content that provide caregivers with in-depth guidance on incorporating strategies that promote security, respect, and acknowledgment among young children. The objective is to cultivate a supportive atmosphere where children can flourish. By embracing the philosophies advocated in Raising Peaceful Children, caregivers can cultivate a nurturing and positive setting conducive to the growth and development of children. The focus on respectful care routines, self-directed play free movement, and gentle guidance can lead to long-term benefits for both children and caregivers.

Become a member of our Raising Peaceful Children Community and get weekly updates on grant opportunities, RFPs, and Courses for those working with young children.

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