297 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217

How? What is an Excellent Professional Development Day?

How? What is an Excellent Professional Development Day? 

By: Jaime Geliga Quinones

In our days of professional development, it is not about providers sitting down to receive information without being an active part of the generation of knowledge. On the contrary, we build on the strengths of our providers to generate joint knowledge. We take their experiences to weave together the foundations of the best child care practices. 

When we meet in our professional development days, we open ourselves to listen to new experiences to be able to learn from them. We also unlearn things so that we are able to have a method that is more beneficial for childhood development. We learn and unlearn, all for the sake of full and healthy development. 

We are educators, not teachers, that is why we are more interested in you having all the skills for the best development than us just informing you what things are about. We believe in each person and their infinite potential.